
  • IMPEL Board Visit to Balkan Countries

    04 Jul, 2023

    IMPEL Board Visit to Balkan Countries

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  • 25th IMPEL General Assembly

    20 Jun, 2023

    25th IMPEL General Assembly takes place in Stockholm

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  • NPRI project with the Slovak Environmental Inspectorate (SIŽP)

    12 Jun, 2023

    The Slovak Environmental Inspectorate (SIŽP) is actively participating in IMPEL's National Peer Review Initiative (NPRI) and is implementing an NPRI programme focusing on the development of a specific new Department of Technological Innovations to support the use of innovative tools to increase efficiency and effectiveness of inspections and of other environmental protection activities . From 29 to 31 May, a meeting was held in Bratislava in the framework of the NPRI with 22 representatives of SIŽP; also NPRI Project team members, from Portugal, Romania, Italy and Albania, took part to the meeting, both to give their contribution to the discussion but also to witness the work in progress in Slovakia as example and experience in Peer Review to be used in their own specific NPRI perspective. Mr. Ján Jenčo, Director General of SIŽP, mentioned that the NPRI project is important for his organisation, as the application of the flexible NPRI approach will allow them to accelerate the development process of the newly established Department of Technological Innovations. He indicated that the implementation of the NPRI project, with the support of the international NPRI team, has significant added value for his organisation. In particular, this concerns the translation of SIŽP's ambitions into the concrete development of innovative tools. At this stage of the project, the scoping of the Slovak NPRI project, the discussion and analysis of the results of a stakeholder analysis, among others, are important for the further implementation of the project. The national project leaders, tasked with the development of the scheme of the new Department and several representatives of the regional services of the Slovak Inspectorate, “users” of the service under development, also attended the meeting and provided their reflections. The results of the constructive discussions among the Slovak participants, as well as the peer reflections of the international NPRI project team members, then formed an important basis for the follow-up steps to be taken by SIŽP. The NPRI Project team will foster also the new phase of the activities. The meeting was also used by the international NPRI project team members to share and discuss the progress of the implementation of their NPRI project through peer reflection. This approach proved particularly valuable.

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  • IMPEL Nature Protection Expert Team Meeting was held on 20 April 2023

    01 Jun, 2023

    IMPEL Nature Protection Expert Team Meeting took place on 20 April 2023 in Rome. Italian Institute for Environmental Protection and Research (ISPRA) hosted the event. 30 representatives from 18 countries attended the meeting on site and many more joined online.

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  • Joint Inspection by IMPEL Public Nuisance Project Team

    01 Jun, 2023

    Under the IMPEL Supporting IED Implementation Project, Public Nuisance Working Group organised a Project Team Meeting and a joint inspection at a pulp and paper mill in Finland on 15-16 May 2023. Inspectors from Portugal, Spain, Germany and Finland joined.

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  • IMPEL NPRI Project with North Macedonia and Serbia

    26 May, 2023

    IMPEL’s National Peer Review Initiative (NPRI) lays the foundation for the development of autonomous peer review activities in national networks of environmental authorities and agencies. The NPRI approach can be used as a flexible tool to improve one's own performance through dialogue, joint confrontation and exchange of good practices between peers belonging to the same network or to a group of stakeholders dealing with the same issues. It is a powerful tool that supports the implementation of the EU ECA initiative, mainly through its potential to implement good and best practices and homogenisation.

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  • Joint Workshop by the IMPEL Marine Transborder Transects-MTT project and the LIFE Conceptu Maris project

    12 May, 2023

    For many years, several research bodies have worked on monitoring cetaceans using large vessels and ferries as platform of observations. There is a strong need for all the team leaders of the different research bodies to meet and strengthen the collaboration, the best practices, and the improvement of the common research and shared monitoring protocol as well as expanding the survey coverage. IMPEL Europe Marine Transborder Transect (MTT) Project aims to link together the two networks (Mediterranean and Atlantic) expanding the networks to the southern countries of the Mediterranean Region in order to strengthen the implementation of environmental law in Europe.

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  • Joint Inspection by IMPEL Industrial Rearing of Poultry and Pigs Project Team

    11 May, 2023

    Industrial Rearing of Pigs and Poultry Subproject under IMPEL Supporting IED Implementation Project had a project team hybrid meeting on 3rd, and a joint inspection at a sow farm on 4th, of May 2023 in Murcia, Spain. On the part of IMPEL environmental officers from Spain, the Netherlands, Ireland, the United Kingdom, Iceland, Poland, Belgium and the European Commission joined the meeting. Also officers from Estonia, Austria, Denmark, Albania, Italy and Slovenia participated online in the working group.

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