IMPEL-hanke lintu- ja luontotyyppidirektiivien täytäntöönpano Euroopan lentopaikoilla teki ensimmäisen lentopaikkavierailunsa.
04 Apr, 2023
Lentoasemat kattavat merkittävän osan Eurooppaa, ja ne sijaitsevat hajallaan eri puolilla maanosaa, ja niillä on suuri määrä erilaisia Euroopan kasvi- ja eläinlajeja. Jotkin näistä eläimistä, erityisesti raskaat ja/tai parveilevat lintu- ja muut eläinlajit, ovat yksi ilmailun suurimmista vaaratekijöistä. Törmätessään lentokoneeseen (lentokoneen ja luonnonvaraisen eläimistön yhteentörmäys) linnut ja muut eläimet voivat vaarantaa lentokoneen, sen miehistön ja matkustajien (sekä lentopaikkojen läheisyydessä ja niiden ulkopuolella asuvien ihmisten) turvallisuuden.
IRI Iceland 2023
30 Mar, 2023
IMPEL got back underway with its IRI programme with a review of the Environment Agency Iceland (EAI) in Iceland from 14-17 March 2023
IMPEL Wastewater in Natural Environment (WiNE) Project Team made a site visit in Murcia, Spain
30 Mar, 2023
On 23 March 2023, under the IMPEL Project Wastewater in Natural Environment (WiNE), the project team went to the region of Murcia, Spain, to visit wastewater treatment plants/reclamation plants that produce water for crops irrigation. The main goal of the visit was to understand and identify best practices on water reuse and how in an area with high scarcity, the extensive fresh vegetables production is possible due to reclaimed waters.
Results of IMPEL Water and Land Remediation Project were presented at Intersol Conference
28 Mar, 2023
Water and Land Remediation Project Manager Marco Falconi attended the 22nd Intersol Conference that is taking place in Lille from 28 to 30 March 2023. The Conference focuses on 6 major themes including sustainable soil management, treatment of pollutants in soil, biodiversity and environmental risks. Marco Falconi presented the results of IMPEL Water and Land Remediation Project at the Conference on 28 March 2023 under Sustainable Soil Management - How to achieve and promote strategic, ambitious and sustainable soil management?: Soils multifunctionality Session.
Financial Provisions for Environmental Liabilities Practical Guide
20 Mar, 2023
The impact of direct environmental incidents as well as business insolvency resulting in risk to the environment must be protected against. In cases where there is either an environmental incident which results in actual/potential harm to the environment or where a company becomes insolvent and can no longer meet its obligations, suitable financial provision can mitigate or prevent an impact on both the environment and/or the public purse.
IMPEL Open Day was held online on 1-2 March 2023
09 Mar, 2023
The IMPEL Open Day was held online on 1-2 March 2023. This online event was addressed to every interested person belonging to public environmental bodies and was attended by more than 300 participants from various countries and organisations.
IMPEL National Peer Review Initiative Project
07 Mar, 2023
The project aims at setting the basis for the development of autonomous Peer Review activities in National Networks of Environmental Authorities and Agencies. It can be used as an instrument to improve own performances through dialog, collaborative confrontation and sharing of good practices among the peers belonging to the same network. The NPRI has been recognised as a powerful tool to support the implementation of the EU ECA initiative, in particular because of its potential to apply good and best practices and its contribution to harmonisation in the execution of tasks and responsibilities by authorities. The NPRI project involves 20 institutions from 15 European countries that are part of IMPEL.
Water and Land Remediation project - Submission of case studies
03 Mar, 2023
The deadline to submit case studies for Thermal Desorption and Phytoremediation has been extended to 17th March 2023.
IMPEL W&L Remediation Project Multi Phase Extraction Report is now available
20 Feb, 2023
IMPEL Water and Land Remediation Project aims to speed up the contaminated sites management, focusing to the remediation phase that is often the bottleneck, with monitoring parameters specific for each remediation technology, that may show clearly the progress of activities towards the target.
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