Doing the right things methodology for permitting – Comparison
Doing the right things for environmental permitting is an ongoing project (2016-2018) that looks closely at the relation between permitting and inspection, identify interesting case studies and best practices in Europe and identify and describe the steps that could be used in permitting procedures.
Nature protection in permitting and inspection of industrial installations
This report/tool focuses especially on clarification of screening criteria, assessment of significant effects, the assessment of cumulative impacts and, if possible mechanisms put in place to check compliance with permit conditions regarding mitigation measures established under Art. 6(3). In relation to dealing with Natura 2000 in permitting and inspection of industrial installations the project identified some good practices as described in the report.
Good practices in energy efficiency in permitting and inspections
This document provides an overview of good practices in relation to dealing with energy efficiency in permitting and inspection procedures.
iDepend Modelling Tool
iDEPEND is a dependency modeling tool that can help regulators identify intervention strategies and approaches in order to improve the environmental compliance behaviour of operators. At the same time the tool analyses the possible succesfulness of the selected approach.
Checklist for assessing legislation on practicability and enforceability
In order to encourage policymakers, legislators and stakeholders to devote more attention to likely problems of practicability in implementation and enforceability throughout the legislative process, with a view to anticipating and remedying practicability and enforceability problems through a pro-active approach, IMPEL initiated a project aimed at producing a practical checklist to assess the practicability and enforceability of existing and new legislation with the aim of improving the overall implementation of EU environmental law in the Member States.
Neighbourhood dialogue – Toolkit
This document is aimed at authorities and companies who want to use or promote a direct dialogue approach to solving environmental conflicts between residents and industrial sites. A number of Member States have been involved in a series of projects on establishing neighbourhood dialogues, which collected and evaluated examples of how environmental conflicts between companies and their neighbourhoods could be solved by dialogue.
Treatment of waste before landfilling according to art. 6 of the Landfill Directive
This Report provides the results of the section of the IMPEL Landfill Project focused on the implementation by EU Member States of art.6 of Directive 1999/31/EC on the landfill of waste, in order to investigate the situation in Member States as regards the landfilling of untreated waste. A survey was preliminary circulated.
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