Strategies for Verification of Self-Monitoring and Reporting on Air Emissions Workshop Report is now available

05 Dec, 2022

Under the umbrella of IMPEL Supporting IED Implementation Project 2021-2024, the VERIFICATION OF SELF-MONITORING AND REPORTING ON AIR EMISSIONS Workshop focused on Operator self-monitoring on emissions to air (continuous and non-continuous) and also focused on the reliability of self-monitoring and its reporting by operators (duty-holders). The project report from the workshop held in 2021 is now approved by IMPEL General Assembly and can be found here.   

This project is connected to the Environmental Compliance and Governance, an Initiative from the European Commission included in its work programme 2020-2022 among the “Actions for the practitioners networks with the Commission and the EU Member States”, Action n.9: Strategies for verification of self – monitoring and reporting, to be led by IMPEL. This action aims at exploring, supporting and further strengthening mechanisms and methods to optimise the informed use of self-monitoring data from duty-holders, as a fundamental step in assuring environmental compliance by Member State authorities, together with permitting, surveillance, inspection and enforcement.

A credible self-monitoring scheme, for the duty-holder to self-assess compliance with permit requirements, would decrease burdens of inspection, improve chances for a swift detection of breaches and thus help to limit environmental damages making authorities action more efficient. Timely and effective data evaluation by competent authorities, permitters and inspectors could lead to targeted action, to ensure correction, prevention and sanctioning of offences, but also revisions, suspensions and revocations of permits.

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