Irish EPA webinar on how to prevent juridical compliance procedures
30 Jan, 2023
’’Essential for our risk based inspection system LEMA is reliable data’’, this is an important lesson learned from Kealan Reynolds. And also that this does not come cheap, you have to invest in this again and again. Together with Michelle McKim he took us on a digital road trip through the past, present and future of their system called Lema. Short for Licensing, Enforcement, Monitoring & Assessment.
This webinar has been organised under the IMPEL Supporting IED Implementation Project, Prevention and Intervention Working Group. Marinus Jordaan, working group leader, summarized it as follows: ‘’The interesting aspect of this system is that it combines compliance data and risk assessment into a publication tool that acts as an enforcement tool without juridical procedures. And you also have a real time overview of the present compliance status of all companies’’.
More than 70 participants from all over Europe joined the webinar. According to the amount of questions and requests for further information we could call this webinar successful.
Link to presentation on LEMA.
For more information on IMPEL Supporting IED Implementation Project click here.