IMPEL Joint Network of Wild Fungi (JoNeF) Site Visit in Rome

04 Dec, 2023

On 29, 30 November and 1 December 2023, ISPRA hosted at its headquarters in Rome, the JoNeF project team to carry out, in hybrid mode, the first meeting in person.

On November 28, the experts of IMPEL and ISPRA, held a site visit to the “Circeo Nazional Park" where, together with the collaboration of the Park Authority and the Roman mycological association AMER, also used the app created by ISPRA for the collection of mycological data within the Network for the study of mycological diversity (NDM).

The working meetings were attended by 10 experts in-person and 4 connected online, from 10 IMPEL member countries.  

Focus of the meeting were the Questionnaire results and the Survey Report to be released on February 2024.  

Next JONEF project meeting will be held in Spring 2024. Click here for more information on IMPEL JONEF project. 

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