IMPEL Water and Land Conference 2023
19 Dec, 2023
The IMPEL Water & Land Conference 2023 took place on 17th and 18th October, in the Palace of Parliament in Bucharest and also online. The event was hosted by the National Environmental Guard (Romania) with the support of Geological Institute of Romania.
The presence of Mircea Fechet - Minister of Environment , Waters and Forests, and Ivan Bogdan - Gruia - Minister of Research, Innovation and Digitization (MCID) as well as State Secretaries of State is a sign of IMPEL's relevance in the field of environmental compliance.
The Water and Land Conference 2023 was attended by over 129 representatives on site from 21 IMPEL members and many more online and the agenda (pdf) included presentations from Environmental Crime (EnviCrimeNet), European Commission (DG ENV and JRC), OECD, United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), European Environmental Agency (EEA), from Representatives of Emeritus and Horizon Europe Board, and authorities as the Portuguese Environmental Protection Agency, the Italian National Institute for Environmental Protection and Research, the National Environmental Guard and Geological Institute of Romania.
The hybrid event mainly focused on update on EU Green Deal and other relevant policies, water reuse, soil contamination and Soil Monitoring Directive, Challenges in the implementation of EU environmental laws in Romania and ongoing IMPEL Projects.
Presentations are now available on IMPEL website.