WasteForce Final Conference 7th May2021

13 Apr, 2021

On the 7th of May, the WasteForce project will have its closing conference. Debates on current trends in waste crime and policies, presentation of the final outcomes of the project WasteForce and discussions on the legacy and the way forward will be facilitated during the day.

Keynote speakers

The conference is proud to host the following keynote speakers:

  • Ms. Claudia Korthals, Policy Officer at the European Commission, DG Justice
  • Ms. Tatiana Terekhova, Programme Management Officer at the Secretariat of the Basel Convention
  • Mr. Rory Corcoran, Assistant Director in the Illicit Markets Sub Directorate, INTERPOL
  • Mr. Éric Figliolia, Contact point for Environmental Crime, Eurojust

Conference programme

There will be dedicated sessions and breaking groups focusing on the methodologies and tools developed, as well as the capacity building and networking activities implemented to support the detection, investigation and prosecution of waste crimes.

The detailed conference programme can be found on the conference website.

Target audience

The conference is open for practitioners, regulators and officials working in the enforcement chain, such as environmental inspectors, customs officers, police officers, public prosecutors, judges or representatives of IGO’s working on waste crime. Please register before the deadline of 30 April 2021.

Registration process

To register for the online conference, please go to the conference website, where the programme and list of speakers is also available.

Greenweek event

The WasteForce conference has been recognized as EU Green Week 2021 partner event by the European Commission.


Source: WasteForce

Looking Ahead (photo credit: Larisa Koshkina, Pixabay)

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