The 24th IMPEL General Assembly
05 Dec, 2022
The 24th IMPEL General Assembly (GA) took place last week in Prague and with the possibility to attend online, this was the first physical assembly meeting after three years!
The Network heard from DG Environment about the latest policy developments and was described as a useful partner in ensuring EU Environmental Law works for the citizens. Partner European environmental networks made presentations on their activities, namely European Union Forum of Judges for the Environment (EUFJE), European Network of Prosecutors for the Environment (ENPE), Heads of Environmental Protection Agencies and EnvicrimeNet.
The GA is the decision-making body of the Network's 36 member countries. The five Expert Teams presented their activities and overview of projects. New reports on strategies for verification of self–monitoring and reporting (Air emissions workshop) and Multi Phase Extraction (MPE) where approved. The thematic sections of IMPEL’s new Multi Annual Strategic programme were also approved.
The GA elected Ana Garcia from Portugal as Chair of the network for a further year and Bojan Počkar from Slovenia as Vice Chair for Projects. Jean-Luc Perrin from France will continue as Vice Chair, now for Administration and Finance. New volunteers to become members of the Recruitment and Audit and Evaluation Committees were also approved. IMPEL took this occasion to thank to all volunteers and their sending authorities for their commitment to support the activities from our Network.
The next GA will take place in Sweden in summer 2023.