New Chair and Vice Chairs for IMPEL Network
22 Dec, 2021
A new Chair and Vice Chairs were elected at the 22nd IMPEL General Assembly (GA) held last week. IMPEL has been working hard to implement new governance arrangements and has now filled all its key positions. Ana Garcia from IGAMAOT in Portugal was elected as Chair. Jean-Luc Perrin from the Ministry for ecological transition was elected as Vice Chair Projects and Kristina Rabe from the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety was elected as Vice Chair Administration. IMPEL thanks all three of them and also their home authorities who have supported them in volunteering for these roles. These appointments put IMPEL on a solid footing for moving forward, both as a network and to continue to work to improve implementation and enforcement of environmental legislation.
Also at the GA, the following completed project reports were adopted:
- 2019/23 IMPEL Capacity building and training programme
- 2020/03 Waste Management & Circular Economy (WMCE)
- 2020/09 Soil Vapour Extraction report
- 2020/09 In Situ Chemical Oxidation report
- 2020/17 Monitoring large marine vertebrates along fixed transects from ferries and cargo vessels: a state of the art – FLT Europe
- 2020/18 EU Action plan wildlife trafficking
- 2020/05 Waste from Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) Article 17 Free-riders
- 2021/02 Lessons learned from Industrial accidents 2021 seminar
- 2021/07 Big/Little Transfrontiers Shipment of waste (TFS) Project
A new IMPEL website is currently under development and these reports will soon be available online. The network is still working on the work programme for 2022-24 which should be finalised in early 2022.
Representatives from our partner environmental compliance networks, EUFJE, ENPE, EnviCrimeNet and the EPA Network were also involved as well as a new Observer from the OECD EU4Environment Programme.