Results of the Online Workshop on Operator self-monitoring air emissions: “More focus and exchange of good practices are the key”

12 Oct, 2021

Online Workshop on Operator self-monitoring air emissions was held on 28th September and 11th October, as part of the IMPEL Project Supporting IED Implementation 2021-2024, jointly organised by ARPA Sardegna (Italy) and  IGAMAOT (Portugal). The workshop focused on Operator self-monitoring, on air emissions, continuous and non-continuous, in particular on the reliability of self-monitoring and its reporting by operators (duty-holders).

A credible self-monitoring scheme would decrease burdens of inspection, improve chances for a swift detection of breaches and thus help to limit environmental damages making authorities action more efficient. Timely and effective data evaluation by competent authorities, permitters and inspectors could lead to targeted action, to ensure correction, prevention and sanctioning of offences, but also revisions, suspensions and revocations of permits.

This workshop had 138 registered participants from 25 countries, and was attended by representatives from national, European and other international authorities and experts. It had speeches and presentations from  IMPEL, European Commission – DG ENV and IPPC Bureau, OECD, INECE, and Experts from Austria, Chile, Croatia, Finland, Germany, Italy, and Portugal and we deeply thank them for their availability to share their knowledge and experience.


Please access the full agenda and presentations with the following links:

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