Criteria for the Assessment of the Environmental Damage (CAED) project meeting was held on 27-28 October 2022
03 Nov, 2022
The IMPEL project team on Criteria for the Assessment of the Environmental Damage (CAED) held its second meeting of 2022 on 27th and 28th October. The meeting was "hybrid" with most participants being on site in Berlin, at the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection. Presentations were given on various case studies of biodiversity damage, water and land damage where CAED Practical Tables where tested with success for further enhancement. Project members are currently working on further improving and simplifying the CAED Practical Tables and on building a specific check-list for inspectors in order to identify potential ELD cases and initiate ELD procedures. The project foresees finalising this current work by summer 2023.